A reason to enroll in our programs

Philotimo Greece

A reason to enroll in our programs

It can be really hard to shadow experienced doctors who are busy doing their work. One of the many advantages of Philotimo shadowing fellowship is that it allows you that rare level of depth, since Our fellows participants observe surgeries and procedures. 

Our fellows participants also get to see multiple specialties. Participants list their preferred specialist to shadow.


The major obstacle to excelling in pre-health academics tends to be students bite off more than one can chew.

Philotimo programs accomplish so much at the extracurricular level during school break that it allows you the opportunity of focusing on academics during the school year.

Advice you can act on

In both application and interviews, Philotimo let’s you refine and showcase most of the 15 AAMC competencies for entering medical students.

By doing Philotimo Fellowship Programs during school break such as  Cultural competence(#3) and adaptability (#8) come directly from your experience in Philotimo Fellowship.

IMG 1191

Participating can increase your GPA

Pharmacu intership inAthens

Most pre-health students could focus more on improving their GPA/MCAT, and even those with high grades will get better admissions offers if they have more time to concentrate in their study.

Philotimo concentrates clinical experience over breaks, allowing the opportunity of cutting back on some less-impactful extracurriculars during the academic year.

Philotimo Med Abroad Fellowship Porgrams are AAMC-compliant, they are observation-only and follow the ethics guidelines established by the AAMC in consultation with medical schools.

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